RELINER® / Duran Inc. is a Connecticut based manufacturer dedicated to providing simple, cost effective, durable products for use in the wastewater and construction industries. Our patented product lines include:
- The RELINER® Inside Drop System, consisting of a fiberglass Drop Bowl and Stainless Steel Pipe Support Brackets.
- The RELINER® Modular Manhole Invert Channel System

Typical Installation detail showing an inside manhole drop using a Drop Bowl and Pipe Supports with the optional Channel System.
Controls the drop of influent inside a sanitary manhole or wet well. read more
Securely attach pipes to structure walls. Type 304 or 316 Stainless. read more
Modular fiberglass invert channels for improved manhole hydraulics. read more
- RELINER® products are proudly made in the USA and are available at waterworks suppliers throughout the United States and Canada. Individual direct orders are accepted by email fax or phone.
- RELINER® products have found widespread acceptance throughout the United States and Canada as the preferred solution to sewer manhole and lift station drops also for manhole invert channel rehabilitation and construction.
- RELINER® Stainless Steel Pipe Support Brackets are extensively used throughout the construction industry to securely mount pipes of almost any size to structure walls.